Black Tea vs Coffee for Weight Loss: Which is Better?

Digested Thoughts
7 min readSep 21, 2022

Black tea and black coffee are both made by infusing the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant with hot water and steeping them until they turn brown, but they’re made in completely different ways — black tea is fermented and black coffee isn’t. They also have very different health benefits, so knowing which one to drink can be confusing. Here’s what you need to know about each option to help you make a decision that’s right for you.

The amount of caffeine in each

There is a lot of confusion about whether black tea or black coffee is better for weight loss. It’s a personal choice, and the answer really depends on what you’re looking to achieve and how you like your coffee or tea.
If you’re looking to lose weight, then research suggests that caffeinated beverages may help with weight loss. One study found that people who drank caffeinated beverages lost more weight than those who didn’t drink any caffeine containing beverages at all, regardless of what kind they drank or how much they consumed. This could be due to the effects of caffeine on calorie expenditure which can lead to increased fat oxidation. However, it’s important to note that this study was published over 10 years ago and there have been no newer studies with more conclusive results since then.

Amino acid content

Although both black tea and black coffee have been shown to possess potential health benefits, the amino acid content of these drinks are what sets them apart. A study published in Food Chemistry in 2006 found that when it comes to weight loss, both tea and coffee can boost metabolism rates. However, an increase in metabolic rate was only seen with caffeine-containing beverages like coffee. On the other hand, a study published in Physiology & Behavior found that when it came to weight loss benefits, black tea outperformed coffee because it contains more amino acids like L-theanine.


According to a study published in the International Journal of Obesity, catechins may improve insulin sensitivity and break down fat. These substances are present in black tea, which also contains a negligibly small amount of caffeine. The study showed that drinking four cups of black tea a day (about 8 ounces) was enough to see benefits over the course of 12 weeks. Drinking coffee would need to be more frequent and include more than 4 cups each day to have comparable effects. Caffeine: Caffeine has been shown to increase metabolism and cause thermogenesis — the body’s natural ability to burn calories.

A study from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that subjects who drank caffeinated coffee were able to metabolize calories at twice the rate as those who drank decaffeinated coffee or no coffee at all. However, this effect is less dramatic when comparing black tea with its higher concentration of caffeine than coffee. In addition, while both beverages contain antioxidants, black tea contains polyphenols not present in coffee. Polyphenols can reduce inflammation and regulate blood sugar levels. Finally, though both drinks come in many different forms — such as iced teas and iced coffees — cold beverages will usually contain more sugar than hot drinks. It may be worth looking into whether there are any healthy options on your favorite drink menu before ordering a regular cup of joe or an iced chai latte!


Both black tea and coffee contain antioxidant properties, with black tea having slightly more. The reason that black tea may be better than coffee when it comes to weight loss is due to the caffeine content. A study found that the average cup of caffeinated coffee contains 145mg of caffeine whereas a cup of black tea only contains 40mg. This means that drinking a cup of black tea will have less impact on your sleep cycle than drinking a cup of coffee at night time. You should also note that tea tends to give you a lower level of caffeine so if you are trying to cut back or limit your intake, this might be a good option.

Black tea can increase your metabolism.

Studies have shown that black tea can increase your metabolism. A 2010 study, published in the Journal of Nutrition, found that participants who drank four cups of black tea a day burned more calories than those who drank just water. The study’s author says it could be because black tea has more catechins than other kinds of tea. Catechins are powerful antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and may also help with weight loss.

Some studies have connected coffee to weight gain, however there is disagreement among scientists as to why this occurs. Some people believe the sugary drinks and snacks coffee drinkers often eat contribute to their higher body mass index (BMI). Others say caffeine may disrupt sleep patterns, which can lead to poor food choices or overeating at night.

Coffee can be higher in calories than black tea.

Coffee can be higher in calories than black tea, and some studies have shown that drinking coffee doesn’t necessarily help with weight loss. In fact, one study found that people who drink more than four cups of coffee a day were actually more likely to gain weight. On the other hand, black tea has been shown to have many beneficial properties when it comes to weight loss. For example, some studies have found that black tea extract increased the basal metabolic rate of study participants by up to 24%. Additionally, black tea contains two compounds-theaflavins and thearubigins-which are thought to reduce fat storage and inhibit fat production.

A cup of green tea weights more than a cup of black tea

In terms of weight, black tea and coffee are surprisingly equal. A cup of green tea weighs more than a cup of black tea, but they both weigh less than a cup of coffee. And as long as you’re not consuming too much sugar in either drink, black tea and coffee have the same amount of calories per serving. Of course, black tea has more caffeine than coffee — about 25% more — which might be good or bad depending on how it affects you. Black tea also has higher levels of antioxidants than coffee does. So, black tea is your best option if you want to base your decision on health benefits.

Some studies say one is healthier than the other, some say vice versa

In short, black tea and black coffee are both similar in their caffeine content. But the caffeine in tea is more slowly absorbed, which means you can drink a lot of it without getting the jittery side effects of drinking too much coffee. Plus, some studies say that people who drink more tea lose weight faster than those who drink more coffee. The jury’s still out on which one is healthier.

Participants in a 2014 study received either black tea or coffee to sip on at breakfast. At lunch time they could have soup or not depending on what they drank at breakfast time. Turns out if they drank the tea at breakfast they tended to eat fewer calories during lunch-time; when they drank coffee there was no difference in calorie intake between groups! And lastly, while tea has antioxidants that may protect against cancer and heart disease (in addition to other health benefits), coffee has its own array of antioxidants that may be good for you. It really comes down to preference — so go ahead and try them both!
‘turns out if they drank the tea at breakfast they tended to eat fewer calories during lunch-time,’ ‘coffee has its own array of antioxidants that may be good for you.’

Studies can’t show proof (sadly!)

Researchers at the University of Western Sydney found that subjects who drank black tea daily for 12 weeks experienced a significant reduction in their BMI. The study also found that those who drank two cups of black tea per day were more likely to experience weight loss than those who didn’t.
A separate study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that while white, green, and oolong teas all have antioxidant properties, black tea was best at reducing waist circumference. This is because it contains a high level of catechins which helps promote fat oxidation. More recent research has shown that drinking three cups of black tea every day may help with weight maintenance.
It’s unclear if coffee can provide similar benefits when it comes to weight loss or waist circumference (although some studies say yes). One possible reason might be because caffeine can cause fluid retention, which could lead to an increase in abdominal girth.
Many studies have found that people who drink coffee regularly weigh less than those who don’t. That’s probably due to the fact that coffee boosts your metabolism, but not by as much as you’d think — just about 100 calories per cup!
Additionally, some people are caffeine addicts who are unable to stop drinking coffee, even if it means gaining weight.

original content : Digested Thoughts

